Internationale dag ter verdediging van afvalligen en Godslasteraars


Vandaag is het protestdag. Tegen de vervolging van afvalligen en Godslasteraars. Onderstaand persbericht is te vinden op de site van het CEMB, de Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain. Ik neem het onvertaald over:

De International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) presenteerde in december 2012 het rapport ‘Freedom of Thought 2012; A Global Report on Discrimination Against Humanists, Atheists and the Nonreligious‘. Het is het eerste jaarrapport dat op een rijtje zet hoe in allerlei landen niet-religieuze burgers worden gediscrimineerd. Met name de vervolging van atheïsten wegens blasfemie op sociale media is toegenomen, zoals de voorbeelden van de Indonesische Alexander Aan, de Turkse pianist Fazil Say of de Saoedische Hamza Kamgari aantonen. Zie hier voor commentaar.

Countless individuals accused of apostasy and blasphemy face threats, imprisonment, and execution. Blasphemy laws in over 30 countries and apostasy laws in over 20 aim primarily to restrict thought, expression and the rights of Muslims, ex-Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

On 14 March 2013, we, the undersigned, call for an international day of action to defend apostates and blasphemers worldwide by highlighting ten cases though there are countless more.

Alex Aan, Indonesia: 30 year old atheist, in prison for blasphemy for saying there is no god on Facebook. Sign Petition Here.

Abdul Aziz Mohammed Al-Baz (also known as Ben Baz), Kuwait: Blogger and atheist charged with blasphemy.  Support him here.

Turki Al Hamad, Saudi Arabia: Novelist in prison for Tweets critical of Islam and Islamism. Write Letter Here!

Raif Badawi, Saudi Arabia: Charged with apostasy for setting up a website that “harms the public order and violates Islamic values”. Sign Petition.

Asia Bibi, Pakistan: 45 year old Christian mother of five, sentenced to death for blasphemy for ‘insulting Mohammad’. Join Save Asia Bibi Facebook Page Here.

Hamza Kashgari, Saudi Arabia: 23 year old Muslim charged with blasphemy for Tweeting about Mohammad and women’s status. Sign Petition Here and Here.

Saeed Malekpour, Iran: Sentenced to death for ‘insulting and desecrating Islam’. Join Free Saeed Malekpour Facebook Page Here.

Shahin Najafi, Iran:  A death fatwa for apostasy has been issued by Iranian clerics against Shahin Najafi living in Germany for a song critical of an imam.  Support Shahin Here.

Ahmad Rajib, Bangladesh: The well-known 35 year old atheist blogger had his head hacked apart with a machete one day after attending anti-Islamist protests in Bangladesh.

Alber Saber, Egypt: The atheist blogger has been sentenced to three years in prison for blasphemy. Support Him Here.

We urge the public to mark this day by taking action in support of the many women, men and even children languishing in prison or on death row.

We must never forget them.

Take action on 14 March to highlight this intolerable situation, including by Tweeting, signing a petition, writing a letter of protest, drawing a picture, taking a photo, making a video – anything at all to defend free expression and thought and the many whose lives are at stake.

Foto: Affiche van de International Day To Defend Apostates and Blasphemers; 14 maart 2013

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